Only a few tourist destinations are blessed to stand in a location where nature has performed a miracle. Even fewer have seamlessly connected their offerings for guests with the environment, natural gifts, and exceptional tradition. Such destinations are gems that enrich us with the planet’s energy, allowing us to cultivate inner harmony.
A family boutique hotel in the heart of Logarska Valley is an icon of sustainable tourism in the Slovenian Alps. Boasting over 80 years of tradition, its owners consistently strive to preserve natural local resources and cultural identity. Their environmental commitment is exceptional, as the Plesnik family has lived in Logarska Valley for 700 years.

🏆 Hotel PLESNIK is one of the TOP 9 Slovenian boutique tourist destinations selected by the WOOD WE GO! Visit them when you are in the Logarska Valley and see for yourself!

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Find out the reasons why Hotel Plesnik is among the TOP 9 Slovenian destinations HERE!

Read our BLOG from Hotel Plesnik!

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