Every morning is a gift for a new beginning, love, joy, and prosperity. It unfolds like the first pages of a magical book, allowing us to write our life story each time. Morning represents a new canvas on which the most beautiful images emerge with the colours of optimism and gratitude. Let’s step into a new day, knowing we build our future with love and faith in beautiful experiences.
The hotel with the longest tradition in Bohinj is small, boutique and magical. The beautiful Ceconi Park across the road, the landscaping of the hotel itself, the brook happily gurgling past the garden terrace, the biodynamic swimming pool, and the surroundings arranged with feeling. But neither the forged fence nor the Austro-Hungarian facade of Hotel Sunrose 7 reveals authentic boutiques and a new definition of luxury. It was revealed to us by staying in its detox concept, which put us and our awareness in the foreground. Mornings here are not only magical because of the perfect breakfast but also because this is a place that supports you holistically.

🏆 Hotel SUNROSE 7 is one of the TOP 9 Slovenian boutique tourist destinations selected by the WOOD WE GO! Visit them and see for yourself!

Stay awesome, and let’s keep our spirits intertwined! 😘 FOLLOW US!

Find out the reasons why Hotel Sunrose 7 is among the TOP 9 Slovenian destinations HERE!

Read our BLOG from Hotel Sunrose 7!

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