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The story of WOOD WE GO begins on our favourite home turf.

Boutique Slovenia

Until the end of 2024, we’ll visit TOP SLOVENIAN TOURIST DESTINATIONS that are the flagships of Slovenian boutique and sustainable tourism. After visiting a destination, we summarise our encounters and impressions in our authentic reports and short video stories.

Campaign objective

The purpose of the campaign is to showcase the TOP 9 Slovenian providers who change people’s lives with their supremely high standards and service quality. Follow the campaign on this website and our social networks.

At the end of the campaign, the presentations will be included in an exquisitely designed book, “WOOD WE GO to SLOVENIA – Uncover the TOP 9 transformative boutique and well-being destinations!” printed on FSC-certified woodfree paper.

Experience with us the best boutique and sustainable tourist stories to be found in our green country!


Selection criteria

Superficiality and mass tourism are not our preferences.
The selection of TOP destinations was characterised by four thoughtful criteria of excellence.


In the sense of high-quality service and design, exclusive offer, individual approach, observance of local features, authenticity, uniqueness, contact with nature and higher added value of the overall offer, the boutique approach is a necessary ingredient of an inspiring experience.

We focus on those who holistically address our wellbeing with their services that bring together wellness, cuisine and special programmes for guests. The transformative effects attained by these destinations improve our lives in the long term.

Intelligent use of materials is beneficial for people and the planet. We highlight those providers who offer services that result in a multi-layered increase in awareness of the quality of life, regarding which wood plays a crucial role in the thoughtful architectural design of a facility or the equipment of the destination.

We believe that the only ethical path for modern tourism lies in the sustainable design of a destination, its offer and manner of operating, as reflected in an in-depth relationship with those individuals who want to consciously connect with the new environment and are open to new experiences.

“Do you believe in the magic of transformative travels? We invite you into a world of conscious pampering and harmonious sustainable luxury. We are looking for sanctuaries that offer a holistic approach to wellbeing and create unforgettable experiences.”

Lili & Dušan


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The stories of TOP boutique destinations are revealed as we go along and as they are realised.
Be informed about everything we experience and find an inspiration for your next getaway.

You can also stay connected with us on social networks:


Instagram profile

Our Instagram profile will record everything we publish on social networks, including short videos, photos and posts from destinations. IG stories will also capture events from behind the scenes of our experiences.


LinkedIn profile

The content will be adapted for the business and professional sphere. Are you active on LinkedIn?


YouTube channel

Our YouTube channel will feature all of our video content. If you’re using this video sharing service, you can also follow us here!

Last visited

Hiša Raduha

Why we are proud
of our partners
in this campaign

Who are the creators of WOOD WE GO?


Slovenian boutique destinations

Learn about Slovenian destinations that lift the spirit, connect us with nature and celebrate the beauty of living.

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