Find out why we love our work
All our journeys begin within ourselves
At heart, we are lovers of life, obsessed with trying everything that makes us happy and inspired. We know that every journey into the world begins within ourselves. Our goal is to inspire and connect like-minded people who strive to explore themselves and the world in a responsible and thoughtful way. By encouraging sustainable travels and showcasing destinations that comply with the values of the boutique character, authenticity, wellbeing and respect for nature, we want to co-create a better world for everyone.
In doing so, we want to have fun, discover the wisdom of life and indulge in the inspiration of unusual and authentic experiences that fill the body, heart and soul.
How does your holiday affect the world?
Your next holiday can be the best you’ve ever experienced and have a truly positive impact. By choosing tourist destinations which highlight the beauty of the location, genuine experience and a comprehensive approach to their mission, you directly support forward-thinking providers. With thoughtful selection, you spontaneously show support for key individuals and destination managers who are dedicated with all their heart and soul to an advanced vision of travel and tourism. Subsequently, you become the ambassadors of new sanctuaries for conscious travellers.
What destinations are on our map?
We consider wellness to be everything that opens us up to ourselves and nature. It’s not merely about treatments. It’s about respect for silence and nature, sitting in treetops, walking in riverbeds, and scenting the essential fragrances of ancient herbs or oils. We respect the seasons, worship harmony with the environment and seek an authentic retreat that results in a balance between the body, mind and soul.
Let’s begin
It’s never too late or too early to set out on your ideal holiday. Read our stories, see the photos, watch the videos and be inspired.
Welcome to the world of intimate boutique destinations that change the lives of their guests with their offer.
Zakaj to počneva
Spoznajte razloge, zaradi katerih ljubiva svoje delo
Vse naše poti se začenjajo v nas samih
Po srcu sva občudovalca življenja, prevzeta nad okušanjem vsega, kar nas dela srečne in navdihnjene. Veva, da se vsaka pot v svet začne v nas samih. Najin cilj je navdihovanje in povezovanje podobno mislečih posameznikov, ki si prizadevajo za odgovorno in premišljeno raziskovanje sveta. S spodbujanjem trajnostnih potovanj in predstavljanjem destinacij, ki ustrezajo vrednotam butičnosti, pristnosti, dobrega počutja in spoštovanja narave, želiva soustvariti lepši svet za vse nas.
Ob tem bi rada, da se zabavamo, odkrivamo modrosti življenja in se prepuščamo navdihu nevsakdanjih in avtentičnih doživetij, ki polnijo telo, srce in duha.
Kako vaš oddih vpliva na svet
Vaše naslednje potovanje je lahko nekaj najboljšega, kar ste kdaj doživeli in lahko ima resnično pozitiven učinek. S tem, ko izberete turistične destinacije, ki so v svojem poslanstvu povzdignile lepoto kraja, pristno izkušnjo in celostni pristop, neposredno podpirate napredno misleče ponudnike. S premišljeno izbiro spontano izkazujete podporo ključnim posameznikom, vodjem destinacij, ki so s srcem in dušo predani napredni viziji potovanj in turizma. S tem postajate tudi vi ambasador novih svetišč za zavestne popotnike.
Kakšne destinacije so na najinem zemljevidu
Nikoli ni prepozno ali prezgodaj, da se odpravite na vaš idealni oddih. Preberite najine zgodbe, oglejte si fotografije in video posnetke in se prepustite navdihu!
Dobrodošli v svetu intimnih butičnih destinacij, ki s svojo ponudbo spreminjajo življenja gostov!